
Under the documents section you will find all kind of documents, from conference report to case study, which are briefly described and that you can be download in some cases.
- ► A question of SCALE (Supply Chains and Local Economies)
- ► Community Catalysts for Regenerative Development - Guidelines and Learning Materials
- ► Dossier Transrural initiatives: Searching for peasant knowledge
- ► Farmers Ecology programme: Review 2005 and outlook
- ► Fruit agrodiversity in Verdon - Ethnology and history
- ► How do we engage Communities in Climate Action? Practical Learnings from the Coal Face
- ► How to deliver rural services? Collection of examples of social innovation
- ► Living in the rainforest in the 21st century
- ► Rural Livelihoods for Sustainability
- ► Singular agriculture
- ► Spanish inventory of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity
- ► Tending the Wild: a short insight into traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous people in California
- ► Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Herders on the Flora and Vegetation of the Hortobagy - Hungary
- ► What’s up with Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Europe?
- Access to healthy, clean and fair food – An exploratory study of the Maltese scenario
- Accompanying rural collective entrepreneurship
- Building Resilience in Rural Communities
- Building sustainable development on district level
- Building together local food chains
- Civic Dialogue: « When citizens, stakeholders and decision makers work together »
- Collective entrepreneurship in rural areas in France
- Community spirit wins - How civil society sustains rural Europe
- Conference « Local agriculture and short food supply chains » - 20/04/2012
- Conference Report: Community Connected Farms for Tomorrow: New Ways of Land Access for Communities and Farmers
- Current practices in solving multiple use issues of Natura 2000 sites: Conflict management strategies and participatory approaches.
- Document of the Workshop « Cooperative decision-making and conflict management in public planning and environment
- Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
- Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
- EU food hygiene Regulations and ‘slow’ cheese production - principle and practice
- European Farm Succession: tools and methods to promote a successful farm succession
- European Handook on Community Supported Agriculture
- Fact Sheet “Forests and Woodlands in England” - 2016
- Fact Sheet “Forests and Woodlands in Western Balkan” - 2016
- Fact Sheet on “Forests in Estonia” - 2018
- Farming activity test in France
- For solidarity financing of agricultural and rural projects
- Guide for food direct selling - 2014
- Handbook on inter-generational initiatives in rural territories in France
- Ideas for farm transmission
- Implementation of hygiene rules for local and small-scale production: the Austrian example
- Learning together to manage together
- Local authorities supporting access to land for farmers: stories from Europe
- Mapping of experiences related to Access to land for Community-Connected Farming
- Methodology for the creation of farmers’ markets
- New forms of decision-making
- Opportunities of small producers for traditional products development in R. Of Macedonia
- Panorama of the landscape of collective enterprises in rural areas in France
- People’s Manual on the Guidelines on Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests
- Promoting environmental mediation as a tool for public participation and conflict resolution
- Re-imagining activism: a practical guide for the Great Transition
- Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative
- Report - preparatory meeting of Forum Synergies Sustainable Forestry group - 13 January 2012, St. Michel l’Observatoire, France
- Report from the 1st European Herb Gathering - project “Rural Actors for Health” (Austria)
- Report of 1st Workshop on Sustainable Forest Management, 17-20 March 2016, England, UK
- Report on “Ecologie Paysanne Europe / Farmers Ecology” 3rd gathering - Valencia region (Spain)
- Report on 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Forest Management 2016, Tara National Park, (SRB)
- Report on 3rd Workshop on Sustainable Forest Management, 18-21 October 2018, Alutaguse Parish, EE
- Report on Civic Dialogue Gathering 2015
- Report on Civic Dialogue Gathering 2016, Bialystok (Poland)
- Report on Civic Dialogue Workshop 2014
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering - ERSG 2014: Living countryside in Beaufortain (FR)
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering 2009: Sustainable Europe in Practice
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering 2010 - A glimpse to the future of rural Europe
- Report on the national meeting 2016 « Dialogue and consultation in the territories in the service of the environment »
- Report on the Political Training Session 2010: Let’s prepare our messages from the countryside
- Report on Workshop 1:« Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society » - Lake Vörtsjärv (Estonia)
- Report on Workshop 2 “Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society” - Lake Milicz Ponds (Poland)
- Report on Workshop 2013: " How can local people make Democracy work?»
- Report on Workshop 3 “Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society” - Lake Bled, (Slovenia)
- Report on Workshop 4 “Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society” - Lake Keramoti (Greece)
- Report on Workshop 5 “Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society” - Lac de Remoray (France)
- Rural Dialogues
- Rural parliaments: emerging participative democracy
- Scoping study - Delivering on EU food safety and nutrition in 2050 - Scenarios of future change and policy responses (Food chain)– DG SANCO
- Short food chains - Regulatory framework 2012
- Short food supply chain in other countries?
- Short Food Supply Chains and Local Food Systems in the EU.
- Study: Liberating the fields - land markets and new forms of ownership in organic farming
- Toolkit : CAP and Rural Development Policy reform implementation
- Towards a Common Food Policy for the European Union
- Transitioning Towards Agroecology: Using the CAP to build new food systems
- Travel book_EN draft
- When associations are promotors of « ageing well » in French rural territories
- Your land, My land, Our land : grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology