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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

► Rural Livelihoods for Sustainability

Stories of rural regeneration from Central Europe

Rural topic(s): Rural entrepreneurship and diversification of activities

Type: case study

Date of publication: January 1, 2044

Organization(s): Nadace Partnerstvi / Environmental Partnership


This book highlights vital lessons from Central Europe on generating rural livelihoods in ways that make environmental and social justice priorities an integral part of revitalizing local economies.



Scale of intervention : Regional, Local, European

Keywords: photovoltaic energy, renewable energy, energy saving, rural heritage, cultural heritage, ecotourism, sustainable tourism, diversification of economic activities, locally-based economy, agritourism, Community Led Local Development (CLLD)

Places: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia

Actors: NGO, inhabitants, rural population, local community