Renewable energy and eco-housing
Success stories:
- Apsyrtides, a new energy cooperative is created on Cres&Lošinj archipelago (Croatia).
- [EXP] Balancing nature and coastal protection with sustainable local development Pellworm, a small North Frisian island below sea level.
- [EXP] Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Europe’s leading Eco-Centre
- [EXP] German eco-housing work, a guide for others
- [EXP] Mas de Noguera : an example for diversification of activities in a Mediterranean mid mountain region
- [EXP] The village of Wulkow global ecological development strategy
- [EXP] Wendland renewable energy strategy
- Ökologisch Wirtschaften! e.V.
- Ökospeicher e.V.
- CAT (Centre for Alternative Technology)
- CeProSARD - Macedonian Center for Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Rural Development
- Ecological Institute Veronica
- GEN-Europe (Global Ecovillage Network - Europe)
- Mas de Noguera
- RELIER (Network of Experimentation and Connection of Initiatives in Rural Areas)