Development of rural territories
Success stories:
- Black Sea Initiative
- [EXP] Cooperation and urban-rural solutions in Dolina Strugu polish region
- [EXP] Ecosystem of collaboration of Karditsa : developing social economy in rural Greece
- [EXP] Fédérer les acteurs d’un territoire rural grâce au programme Leader
- [EXP] How to implement rural sustainable development in rural areas : the example of trainings and exchange of practices in local territories by Permanent Centres of Initiatives for the Environment (CPIE).
- [EXP] PLANED, working with communities to deliver local integrated development in Pembrokeshire
- [EXP] Village movement in Estonia : focusing on local governance to maintain rural villages alive
- Building sustainable development on district level
- Community spirit wins - How civil society sustains rural Europe
- Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering - ERSG 2014: Living countryside in Beaufortain (FR)
- Rural parliaments: emerging participative democracy
- Subsistence and semi-subsistence farming in Europe: a challenge to EU and national policies
- The vital role of peri urban regions.
- ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England)
- ARDN (Albanian Rural Development Network)
- ADRACES (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Raia Centro - Sul)
- ROMONTANA (Association for Rural Development in Mountain Areas in Romania)
- Association Rural Development for Future Georgia
- Austrian Rural Network - Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land
- BRDN (Balkan Rural Development Network)
- Carpathian Foundation-Hungary
- ALKA (Center for Sustainable Development and Cooperation)
- CeProSARD - Macedonian Center for Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Rural Development
- CIVITAS Foundation for Civil Society
- CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes)
- CELAVAR (Committee of studies and links of agricultural and rural associations)
- CEAT (Communauté d’études pour l’aménagement du territoire)
- Communauté de Communes Frasne-Drugeon
- Croatian National Rural Network - Mreža za ruralni razvoj
- HMMR (Croatian Rural Development Network / Hrvatska Mreža za Ruralni Razvoj)
- Czech National Rural Network - Celostatni siti pro venkov
- Danish Rural Network - Landdistriktsnetværk.
- ANKA (Development Agency of Karditsa)
- Development Principles
- Ecological Institute Veronica
- Estonian Rural Network - Maaeluvõrgustik
- AEIDL (European Association for Information on Local Development)
- ELARD (European LEADER Association for Rural Development)
- Euromontana (European multisectoral association for co-operation and development of mountain territories)
- ENRD (European Network for Rural Development)
- ERCA (European Rural Community Association)
- Federation of Regional Natural Parks of France
- Federazione Italiana Parchi e Riserve Naturali
- Flemish Rural Network - Vlaams Ruraal Netwerk
- FDDM (Foundation for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions)
- French Rural Network
- Fundación entretantos
- Fundatia ADEPT
- GAL Meridaunia
- German Rural Network - Netzwerk Ländliche Räume
- Greek Rural Network
- Hela Sverige - Rural Sweden
- MNVH (Hungarian Rural Network - Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat)
- Icelandic Village Association - Landsbyggdin Lifi
- In Loco
- CIVAM network (Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas)
- InTeRCeR (Institute for Sustainable Development and Holistic Solutions)
- Irish Rural Link
- Italian Rural Network - Rete Rurale Nazionale
- LAG Puszcza Knyszynska
- LVF (Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation)
- Latvian National Rural Network - Laukus tikls
- LRF (Latvian Rural Forum - Latvijas Lauku forum)
- LEADER-forum Österreich
- Lithuanian Rural Communities Union - Lietuvos Kaimo Bendruomeniu Sajunga
- Lithuanian Rural Network - Lietuvos Kaimo Tinklas
- Mission of People of Good Will
- National LEADER network - Národní síť Místních Akčních Skupin
- National Rural Network Ireland
- Netherlands Rural Network - Netwerk Platteland
- PREPARE (Partnership for Rural Europe)
- PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development)
- Poland National Rural Network - Krajowa Sieć Obszarów Wiejskich
- FAOW (Polish Rural Forum - Forum Aktywizacji Obszarów Wiejskich)
- ANIMAR (Portuguese Association for Local Development - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local)
- Portuguese Rural Network - Rede Rural Nacional
- PPP association Sernikon
- Dolina Strugu (Regionalne Towarzystwo Rolno-Przemysłowe « Dolina Strugu »)
- FWW (Rural Development Foundation / Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi)
- RNDR (Rural Development National Network of Romania - Reteaua Nationala de Dezvoltare Rurala)
- Rural Development Network in BiH
- Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia
- Rural Development Programme for England Network
- REDR (Rural Development Spanish Network - Red Española de Desarrollo Rural)
- FRW (Rural Foundation of Wallonia)
- Rural Network North Ireland
- Rural Network of Finland - Maaseutuverkosto
- VOKA (Rural organisation of community activities / Vidiecka Organizácia pre Komunitné Aktivity)
- Scotland National Rural Network
- NSRV (Slovakian Rural Network - Národná sieť rozvoja vidieka)
- Slovenian National Rural Network - Mreža za podeželje
- Slovenian Rural Development Network - Društva za Razvoj Slovenskega Podeželja
- Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova
- RRN (Spanish National Rural Network - Red Rural Nacional)
- Swedish National Rural Network - Landsbygdsnätverket
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay
- Verdon Regional Natural Park
- SYTY (Village Action Association of Finland)
- Wales Rural Network
- Walloon Rural Network