Local authorities supporting access to land for farmers: stories from Europe
Rural topic(s): Access to land
Type: capitalization document
Date of publication: June 1, 2017
Organization(s): Access to Land Network, Terre de Liens
This booklet has been written by members off the European Access to Land network, as part of a European partnership focused on promoting access to land for agroecological farmers.
For two years, the organisations have researched the experiences of local authorities engaged in facilitating access to land for farmers. This publication presents some of the results. A broader report will complement good practices, with several country overviews and an analysis of the main levers which local authorities can use to facilitate access to land for farmers. It will contribute to analyse how local authorities are approaching the issue of land in order to support job creation, local food systems and vibrant rural communities.
The main conclusions are:
1- Local authorities can preserve farmland to ensure that it remains in farmland use
2- Local authorities can organise land accessibility
3- Local authorities can channel land towards specific uses and users
4- Local authorities can provide a favourable environment to farmers
Link: http://www.accesstoland.eu/IMG/pdf/a2l_local_authorities_cs_report_june2017.pdf
Scale of intervention : European, Local
Keywords: land access, land policy, municipal initiative, peasant farming, local food systems, young farmers set up
Places: Italy, France, United-Kingdom, Belgium, Spain
Actors: municipality, small-scale farmer, local community