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Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

► Fruit agrodiversity in Verdon - Ethnology and history

Rural topic(s): Local ecological knowledge

Type: book

Date of publication: August 1, 2018

Organization(s): Verdon Regional Natural Park


This publication was produced as part of a project to inventory and conserve old fruit varieties of local interest in the Verdon Regional Nature Park, located in the south-east of France.

As its title indicates, it is the result of ethnological and historical investigations carried out by the ethnologist Pauline Mayer. It takes up practices that have sometimes disappeared in the cultivation and processing of fruit in this south-eastern region, but which could be reappropriated.

The chapters « L’arbre cultivé » and « L’arbre nourricier » are particularly interesting as regards local knowledge.

The first chapter presents arboricultural practices chosen for cultivation (orchards, hedges, trees in a field) as well as grafting and harvesting techniques. The second chapter focuses on fruit processing and drying practices.

Finally, the last chapter reflects the richness and diversity of the region’s fruit, presenting more than a hundred identified varieties of apples, pears and plums, the associated cultivation practices and their use.


Publisher: PNR Verdon

Link: https://www.parcduverdon.fr/sites/default/files/pnrverdon/pdf/2018_pomologie_web_double.pdf

Scale of intervention : Regional

Keywords: local variety, traditional products, traditional knowledge, local food processing, safeguard of knowledge, Farmers Ecological Knowledge

Places: France

Actors: rural population