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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Report on Civic Dialogue Gathering 2016, Bialystok (Poland)

co-organised by Forum Synergies and LAG « Puszcza Knyszynska »

Rural topic(s): Civic dialogue, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue

Type: report/synthesis

Date of publication: August 2, 2016

Author(s) of the document: Marina GUEDON

Organization(s): Forum Synergies


Workshop on CIVIC DIALOGUE Gathering, co-organised by Forum Synergies and LAG « Puszcza Knyszyńska » on June 23-26, 2016, Poland

It includes:

  • report on visits in Polish coutryside and exchange with local actors

  • exchanges on Agro-mediation in Europe

  • outputs on a workshop on « CIVIC DIALOGUE challenges », such as « How to engage elected people in civic dialogue?, « How to keep alive the spirit of dialogue? » or « How to deal with powerful people/groups? »



Link: http://forum-synergies.eu/IMG/pdf/report_civic_dialogue_poland2016.pdf

Keywords: territorial dialogue, participation by inhabitants, Community Led Local Development (CLLD), Leader approach, environmental mediation, Forum Synergies

Places: Poland, Europe