Building sustainable development on district level
Methodological guide
Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Development of rural territories
Type: methodology guide
Date of publication: September 1, 2014
Organization(s): UNCPIE (Union nationale des Centres Permanents d’Initiatives pour l’Environnement)
Sustainable development calls inter-municipal authorities to mind, in their internal functioning as well as in their actions and projects. In less than one year, how can we commit an inter-municipal action plan that drives them and engages them in a coherence of sustainable development?
This guide, designed by Mairie-Conseils Caisse des Dépôts and the National Union of Permanent Environmental Initiatives Centers (CPIE), with 24 inter-municipal organisatinos and CPIEs of their territories, brings answers to this question with an approach of collaborative and progressive work, successfully implemented: DDmarche.
The DDmarche® brand is registered by the Caisse des Dépôts and the National Union of CPIEs.
Scale of intervention : Local, Regional
Keywords: collective approach, concertation, Information / Education for sustainable development, territorial dialogue
Places: France
Actors: inhabitants, municipality, animation and rural development organisation