► How to deliver rural services? Collection of examples of social innovation
Rural topic(s): Services in rural areas
Type: case study
Date of publication: January 1, 2018
This brochure aims at showcasing the diversity of social innovations in marginalised rural areas of Europe and the Mediterranean regions. These examples are extracted from the SIMRA database, available on SIMRA’s website.
This second collection of good examples focuses on how social innovation can help provide rural services such as health, education, energy, mobility and other social services of key importance in marginalised rural areas where these services are often in decline.
Link: http://www.simra-h2020.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Brochure-Rural-Services-web_last.pdf
Scale of intervention : Local, Regional, European
Keywords: social inclusion, innovation, rural services, Health and well-being, renewable energy, Education, rural mobility, disadvantaged people
Places: United-Kingdom, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Spain, Lebanon, Hungary, Austria
Actors: association, group / platform, inhabitants, rural population, civil society