Report on Civic Dialogue Gathering 2015
Co-organised by Forum synergies and PLANED in Wales, UK
Rural topic(s): Civic dialogue, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue
Type: report/synthesis
Date of publication: April 12, 2015
Author(s) of the document: Marina GUEDON
Organization(s): Forum Synergies
Workshop on CIVIC DIALOGUE Gathering, co-organised by PLANED and Forum Synergies on, April 9-12, 2015, Wales, UK
It includes:
report on visits and exchange with local actors and PLANED staff. It explains how the organisation works with and for local communities in order to support the local development, following Community-Led Local Development philosophy.
participants presentations of their projects enhancing citizens participation and dialogue between stakeholders on topics such as: management of Natura 2000, Rural parliaments, designing social mobilisation on local level, or fostering care services in municipalities…
summery of PLANED training explaining the methods they usually use to accompagny local communities to design their action plan.
Keywords: territorial dialogue, participation by inhabitants, Community Led Local Development (CLLD), Forum Synergies
Places: Europe, United-Kingdom