Agroecology and agroforestry
Success stories:
- A collection of knowledge on natural grassland seed harvesting in the Massif Central, France
- AGROECOPOLIS - A young grassroots network for Agroecology, Food Sovereignty & Access to Land in Greece
- cob/ αειphόria cooperative, a permaculture and natural building farm in Greece
- Fundación Monte Mediterráneo, a foundation dedicated to the management of “Dehesa”, an agroforestry ecosystem in Andalusia, Spain.
- HNV Link: High Nature Value Farming: Learning Innovation and Knowledge, Bulgaria
- OURganic gardens, a community led social enterprise based in Gortahork (Ireland) .
- Porto di Terra, a community experimenting agroecology and permaculture in Sicily
- [EXP] « The insect clearing » : a haven of « ordinary » biodiversity in SW France
- [EXP] Advocating for the reincorporation of trees and the ecological services of forests into modern agricultural practices.
- [EXP] Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Europe’s leading Eco-Centre
- [EXP] Gut Wulksfelde, a multifunctional and education farm at the outskirts of Hamburg city
- [EXP] Mas de Noguera : an example for diversification of activities in a Mediterranean mid mountain region
- [EXP] Mixed-cultivation benefits build over years
- [EXP] No-till agriculture helps saving inputs in agriculture and its improves soils and biodiversity
- [EXP] Restoring soils through co-cultivation of trees and cereals
- [EXP] The Jaglea family farm, seeking sustainability at the crossroad of tradition and innovation in the Carpathian, Romania.
- ► Dossier Transrural initiatives: Searching for peasant knowledge
- ► Living in the rainforest in the 21st century
- Transitioning Towards Agroecology: Using the CAP to build new food systems
- Building rural best-practice networks around no-till agriculture : an idea for agricultural policies.
- Call to recognise co-cultivation benefits in CAP reforms
- CAP should nurture organic
- Consumer labels should acknowledge producers effort to maintain biodiversity.
- Trees as inspiration for collaborative CAP talk.
- Agroecology Greece
- Alternative community « Peliti »
- Arbre & Paysage 32 - (Tree and Landscape)
- Association Océanides
- Bergerie de Villarceaux
- ZIARNO (Ecological-Cultural Association / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno – Kulturalne)
- Ecovillage Los Portales
- EFNCP (European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism)
- AFAF (French Agroforestry Association)
- Fundación Monte Mediterráneo
- GABB 32 (GABB 32, Organic and Biodynamic farmers from Gers)
- CIVAM network (Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas)
- IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)
- Les ateliers RENOVA
- LINKS (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems)
- Mas de Noguera
- Organic Research Center
- OURganic Gardens
- REDD (Réseau - Echange - Développement Durable)
- Saida Farm
- STEP (Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity)
- Soil Association
- SEAE (Spanish Society for Organic Farming & Agroecology/ Sociedad Española de Agro-ecología)
- TP Organics
- Warmonderhof