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Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Your land, My land, Our land : grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology

Rural topic(s): Access to land

Type: capitalization document

Date of publication: April 1, 2020

Organization(s): Eco ruralis, European Coordination VIA CAMPESINA, IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), Terre de Liens, TNI (Transnational Institute), URGENCI (Urban - Rural Network: Generating new forms of Exchange between CItizens)


In Europe, an enormous constellation of land struggles and experiences have been born and developed over the past decades to protect farmland, and grant access to land for peasant and agroecological farming, in many cases collectively and communally. Despite the difficulties, these struggles show there are indeed ways of protecting farmland as a collective fundamental resource, granting access to land for peasants, young people, rural landless workers, new farmers and agroecology, whilst fighting against land grabbing, land concentration and land destruction.

This handbook aims to provide the food sovereignty movement in Europe with hope and inspiration to support their local struggles for land. It also aims to nourish their work with systematic, hands-on practical knowledge drawing from a wide range of approaches and strategic options based on real, successful stories and experiences.

It is published by the Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia platform for Food Sovereignty, the European food sovereignty movement.It is the product of a collective working process that has involved many different organisations and authors.



Link: https://www.accesstoland.eu/Handbook-Your-Land-My-Land-Our-Land

Scale of intervention : European

Keywords: land access, land policy, young farmers set up, agroecology, community supported agriculture - CSA, community land trust, landcare

Places: Europe, United-Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Ukraine, Romania, Austria, Netherlands

Actors: farmer, CSA (Community Supported agriculture), association, multi-stakeholders