FAOW (Polish Rural Forum - Forum Aktywizacji Obszarów Wiejskich)
Rural topic(s): Development of rural territories
City: Warszawa
Country: Poland
Web site: http://faow.org.pl/en
The Polish Rural Forum (Forum for the Animation of Rural Areas - FAOW) is the first national platform of cooperation of rural organizations in Poland. The organizations cooperating within the Forum work together towards a more effective functioning of Polish rural communities within the European Union, through animation and increased participation in decision making.
One of the Forum’s objectives is to promote the LEADER-type approach in Poland.
It functions as a « union of associations ».
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: Community Led Local Development (CLLD), integrated rural development, public-private partnership, local partnership, empowerment of rural communities
Places: Poland
Actors: association, network, platform, forum, union of associations
Methods: networking, training/capacity-building, facilitation