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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

CELAVAR (Committee of studies and links of agricultural and rural associations)

Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Development of rural territories

City: Montreuil

Country: France

Web site: http://www.celavar.org

CELAVAR is a platform of national rural and agricultural associations, contributing to animation, training and local development in rural areas.

As a coordination for rural areas sustainable development in France, it brings together associations that act in popular education, sport, culture, health and social issues, environment, insertion through economic activity, agriculture, local development, youth, for a fairer society even far from the city.

Scale of intervention : National

Keywords: rural youth, empowerment of rural communities, rural-urban relationship, Information / Education for sustainable development, young farmers set up, social link

Places: France

Actors: network for the exchange of experience, network, platform, forum, union of associations

Methods: networking, advocacy, popular education (adult and community education)
