Carpathian Foundation-Hungary
Rural topic(s): Services in rural areas, Development of rural territories
City: Eger
Country: Hungary
Web site: https://www.karpatokalapitvany.hu/
The mission of the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary is to improve the quality of live of people living in the Carpathian Euroregion, and to preserve the social, ethnic, cultural and environmental values and sustainable development of the region.
Carpathian Foundation-Hungary encourages co-operation among non-profit, governmental and profit-oriented organizations, in the areas of rural community development, human resource development, preservation of cultural and environmental values, heritage, social integration by its programs and projects. Its goal is to strengthen social consciousness and regional identity by strengthening inherent values of the region.
The Foundation engages in both grant-making and programmatic activities, and since the beginning it has granted totally 15 million USD to hundreds of NGOs and LSGs (local-self-governments) .
Currently the Foundation runs its programs to fulfill the following main objectives: to support local development initiatives of NGOs and communities; to support disadvantaged rural areas and vulnerable groups; to raise social awareness and to support disadvantaged youth.
The Carpathian Foundation-Hungary is a member of the International Carpathian Foundation Network which serves as a platform for effective international collaboration and transfer of know – how.
Scale of intervention : Local, Regional, National
Keywords: disadvantaged people, women, rural youth, empowerment of rural communities
Places: Hungary
Actors: fundation
Methods: training/capacity-building, recommendation, technical assistance, voluntary work, promotion of civil society dialogue, grant