National LEADER network - Národní síť Místních Akčních Skupin
Rural topic(s): Development of rural territories
City: Benešov
Country: Czech Republic
Web site: http://www.nsmascr.cz
The National Network of Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic civic association (NN LAG CR) was founded in 2007, while the network itself had been established as early as in November 2005 as a informal grouping of Local Action Groups called “The National Rural Development Network”.
The objectives of the NN LAG CR are the following:
to improve the quality of life in rural areas through continuous and integrated local development,
to ensure reciprocal transfer of knowledge and experience between the individual members of the network and through the cooperation with the EU Member States and their LAGs,
to encourage the cooperation with other countries that are ready to apply the LEADER approach in their rural areas.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: rural policy, integrated rural development, territorial project, public-private partnership, Leader approach, Community Led Local Development (CLLD)
Places: Czech Republic
Actors: network for the exchange of experience, network, platform, forum
Methods: networking, facilitation, information diffusion, debate, experience exchange