ANIMAR (Portuguese Association for Local Development - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local)
Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Development of rural territories
Country: Portugal
Web site: http://www.animar-dl.pt
ANIMAR isthe portuguese organisassociation for local development. Its aim is to: enhance, promote and strengthen local development, active citizenship, equality and social cohesion in Portuguese society as pillars of a fairer, more equitable, supportive and sustainable society.
It gathers more than 100 local development associations and civil society organisations from all portuguese territories.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: Community Led Local Development (CLLD), rural entrepreneurship, integrated rural development, rural youth, social inclusion, social and solidarity economy
Places: Portugal
Actors: association, network for the exchange of experience, union of associations
Methods: participation research, experience exchange, partnership, facilitation