PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development)
Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Development of rural territories
City: Narberth
Country: United Kingdom
Web site: http://www.planed.org.uk
PLANED facilitates the involvement of local people and organisations in Pembrokeshire to work together at community level to improve their quality of life and to pursue integrated and sustainable rural development. It supports the setting up of Community Forums and the production and implementation of Community Action Plans. It launches and supports thematic projects and networks, bringing people together from different parts of the County. It acts as a Local Action Group under Axis 4 of the national Rural Development Programme, and as a channel for funds from other public and charitable sources into community-led local development.
Scale of intervention : Regional, European, Local
Keywords: participatory approach, empowerment of rural communities, local partnership, integrated rural development, renewable energy, diversification of economic activities, cultural heritage, conservation and management of natural resources, Community Led Local Development (CLLD), Leader approach, rural entrepreneurship, sustainable agriculture, collective approach, concertation, territorial project
Places: United-Kingdom
Actors: association, animation and rural development organisation
Methods: networking, resources mobilization, intermediation and facilitation, training/capacity-building, experience exchange, exchange of good practices, support to project
Success stories: