CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes)
Rural topic(s): Development of rural territories, Advocacy on food and rural policies, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue
City: Schaan
Country: Liechtenstein
Web site: http://www.cipra.org
CIPRA is an international organisation represented in all Alpin countries (national organisation). It is focusing on the sustainable developpement of the Alpine space, and its objective is to exploit the potential of the Alpine space at many levels and to preserve its cultural and natural diversity.
Scale of intervention : European
Keywords: mountain, renewable energy, rural mobility, rural youth, ecotourism, woodland management, civil society dialogue, conservation and management of natural resources, concertation, environmental conflict, Governance, diversification of economic activities, social and solidarity economy
Places: Europe
Actors: network, platform, forum, network for the exchange of experience
Methods: advocacy, exchange of good practices
Success stories: