Federazione Italiana Parchi e Riserve Naturali
Rural topic(s): Conservation and management of natural resources, Development of rural territories
City: Roma
Country: Italy
Web site: http://www.parks.it
The Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves, founded in 1989, joins over 160 bodies managing national and regional parks, marine protected areas, regional and state nature reserves. Since June 2008, the Federparchi has also been established as the Italian Section of Europarc Federation.
The creation of a national ecological network aiming at placing the protected areas in a territorial context for the safeguard of biodiversity is one of the goals of the Federation, within the framework of actions and planning following, and sometimes anticipating, the international trends regarding the protected areas.
Scale of intervention : National, Regional
Keywords: conservation and management of natural resources, water management, sustainable woodland, protected area, ecosystem friendly methods, biodiversity conservation
Places: Italy
Actors: natural parc (national, regional, biosphere), network for the exchange of experience
Methods: networking, experience exchange, exchange of good practices