Alternative community « Peliti »
Rural topic(s): Agroecology and agroforestry, Conservation and management of natural resources, Advocacy on food and rural policies
City: Paranesti
Country: Greece
Web site: http://www.peliti.gr
Non -profit organisation aiming at the collection, preservation and dissemination of local agricultural product varieties (seeds), the exchange of goods and services without the intervention of money, creating an alternative community by focusing on the preservation of local varieties.
It has 20 local teams in different regions of Greece and one in Bulgaria.
Scale of intervention : National, Local, International
Keywords: Biodiversity, organic farming, Farmers Ecological Knowledge, biodiversity conservation, seeds saving, safeguard of knowledge, Commons, GMOs / Genetically Modified Organisms
Places: Greece
Actors: association, farmer
Methods: voluntary work, community-led initiative, knowledge collection, exchange of good practices, networking
Success stories: