Building rural best-practice networks around no-till agriculture : an idea for agricultural policies.
No-till agriculture helps saving inputs in agriculture and improves soils and biodiversity.
Rural topic(s): Agroecology and agroforestry
Type: Réflexions de membres du FS ou d’autres acteurs locaux
Date of writing: August 16, 2012
Author(s) of the proposal: Caroline Hebert
Caroline Hébert began a continuous education project in southwest France three years ago, bringing together local leaders in agricultural innovation to encourage the exchange of best practices and knowledge sharing. Her organisation runs workshops, debates and farm visits with a particular focus on no-till agriculture, providing a valuable resource for farmers who often work in isolation with little input from outside. The events provide opportunities for both organic and conventional farmers to swap ideas.
Building rural best-practice networks around no-till agriculture : an idea for agricultural policies.
France is behind the likes of the United States, Brazil and Argentina in no-till agricultural practices, and also lags Germany and others in Europe. Spreading information on the practice, methodology and practical application would help introduce the benefits to French farmers, something that could be encouraged via the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy.
Author visit on August 20, 2012 that included extended conversation, questioning and video interviews in the context of the Sustainable Mystery Tour 2012.
Caroline Hébert is the founder of Gaia Consulting ( and a member of Transition Town Auch
Scale of intervention : Local
Keywords: Sustainable Mystery Tour 2012
Places: France
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