ZIARNO (Ecological-Cultural Association / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno – Kulturalne)
Rural topic(s): Education and training in rural areas, Agroecology and agroforestry
City: Slubice
Country: Poland
Web site: http://www.ziarno.grzybow.pl/
Ecological-Cultural Association ZIARNO (SEED in English) has been existing since 1995, although its roots date back to 1987. ZIARNO has been launching various programs, such as the « Organic farm as a place of education » and « Rural Education Centres for sustainable future » and other linked to education, local development or organic farming. It is has participating in various national and international projects and coalitions.
Scale of intervention : Regional
Keywords: organic farming, Information / Education for sustainable development
Places: Poland
Actors: association
Methods: training workshop, training/capacity-building, ouvrage, field trip, meeting, seminar and conference organisation