#Farmers Ecology
The "Farmers Ecology" program works on the collection, transmission and promotion of local knowledge related to agro-ecosystem management. "Ecologie Paysanne Europe - EPE” aims to strengthen and widen a network of exchange, bringing together interested stakeholders. The objective is to disseminate this kind of knowledge from the local to the European level and to illustrate the overall importance of knowledge for sustainable development locally and globally.
State of the art: Ongoing.
In 2022, we started a blog - https://farmersecology.wordpress.com/ whose aim is to promote the need to take into account the use of ecological knowledge by rural and environmental actors.
Twice a month, we post a reference to an organisation, a field experience, an article which reflect the importance of this knowledge and how it is collected, transmitted and promoted in different places.
Visit the blog... and do not hesitate to send us some initiatives !
A first phase took place in 2010-2012, in partnership with Fondation Civitas (Romania), Geyser (France), Mas de Noguera (Spain).
Partners: Geyser (France)
Documents related to this thematic exchange
Success stories:
- ► Bisses, a traditional irrigation system from the Alps, candidat to intangible heritage
- ► CONECT-E, a participatory online platform that documents and share traditional ecological knowledge in Spain
- ► From action to knowledge: market gardeners have their say!
- ► Grassland with tradition: surveying traditionally managed ecosystems in the Carpathians
- A collection of knowledge on natural grassland seed harvesting in the Massif Central, France
- Traditional fruit varieties orchards in Odorhei Region
- [EXP] Giving added value to local knowledge on wild fruit helps maintaining biodiversity and farmers incomes in Romania
- ► Dossier Transrural initiatives: Searching for peasant knowledge
- ► Farmers Ecology programme: Review 2005 and outlook
- ► Fruit agrodiversity in Verdon - Ethnology and history
- ► Living in the rainforest in the 21st century
- ► Singular agriculture
- ► Spanish inventory of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity
- ► Tending the Wild: a short insight into traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous people in California
- ► Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Herders on the Flora and Vegetation of the Hortobagy - Hungary
- ► What’s up with Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Europe?
- Report on “Ecologie Paysanne Europe / Farmers Ecology” 3rd gathering - Valencia region (Spain)