Sustainable Mystery Tour 2012 (reloaded)
There are rising civil society concerns about the CAP, most of which are shared by Forum Synergies. Rural areas need a new policy that will facilitate a renaissance of rural areas while promoting and supporting sustainable rural development initiatives. FS wishes to contribute to the debate on the future CAP by bringing to light positive examples and offering solutions. The FS Virtual Sustainable Mystery Tour 2012 aims to bring rural voices to decision-makers and to champion rural successes.
This is an opportunity to share your experiences with other rural actors and with decision-makers via video interviews, photomontages or written success stories.
Have a look to the existing [video interviews below or on >http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x2388t_ForumSynergies_systainable-mystery-tour-2012]!
Make your voice heard, participate and spread the messages !
- Read our toolkit to know more about SMT2012, topics, the proposed ways to participate and collect materials.
- If you choose to do video interviews, our media making manual will explain you the steps that you need to take.