#Rural Actors for Health
"Rural Actors for Health" aims to find best practices in terms of rural contributions to human health. The main focus is the investigation and promotion of local knowledge on medicinal and spice plants. We aim to explore possibilities for valorizing this knowledge as an option for engagement of rural actors. This is not only a prerequisite for creating additional income but also for preserving and safeguarding this knowledge.
State of the art: Ongoing
1st European Herb Gathering, 4-7 October 2012, Lesachtal, AT
2nd European Herb Gathering, 26-29 April 2018, Transylvania, RO
Aromatic and medicinal plants in the context of health and sustainable rural development
Topics we have identified so far are pictured in the graph (view in bigger size). Our intention is to continously widen and sharpen the main topics and to co-shape the agenda based on your ideas and needs.
In case you want to get involved - please make use of the online questionnaire link.
Evaluation of the contributions so far (last update: 2.3.2018) (klick here)
Background material
- "Les plantes dans l’illegalité", FR, p.43 link. Published in the French magazin NUNATAK, provided on the website of Syndicat Simples link
- "Two futures of health, two paradigms of science" link. Article by Vandana Shiva published in the Asian Age link
Documents related to this topic
- Medicinal and aromatic plants in RO (Fact Sheet)
Success stories:
- ► CONECT-E, a participatory online platform that documents and share traditional ecological knowledge in Spain
- [EXP] Eco - Health Farm Network in Latvia
- [EXP] TEH -Traditional European Medicine, a local network promoting traditional medicinal knowledge
- [EXP] Transylvanian Herb Garden