Webinar "Insights & views from the Mediterranean", Feb 2021
After 3 workshops held in UK, SRB in 2016 and EE in 2018, we held a 4th "Sustainable Forest Management" workshop as a webinar as the pandemic did not allow travelling. We so completetd our findings and vision on the situation of forests in different parts of Europe by insights and views from the Mediterranean.
A series of 6 interviews with actors from different countries (ES, PT, HR, GR) was held in the preparation phase in order to get an overview on the challenges and approaches to forestry issues. One of the results of this series of interviews was the awareness for the need for exchange between actors - practitioners, scientists and politicians.
In this webinar the floor was given to our interview partners and other actors in the field of sustainable forestry.
Insights & views from the Meditarranean
PROGRAMME for download.
Three main projects were presented:
Reflorestar Portugal is a project of young activists dedicated to building capacity and connecting different stakeholders in society in order to support and contribute to the Regeneration of Rural Communities and Native Forest. In their work they pay special attention to the principle of syntropic agriculture (see here 2 links related to syntropic agriculture: 1, 2). This is beyond agro forestry where the human is welcomed into the eco system as part of it. It promotes cooperation between species – animals and plants – to be more healthy avoid diseases and plagues through a mixed diversity.
Fundación Monte Mediterráneo, a really interesting project that follows the tradition of managing the dehesa: the Spanish name for grazed oak groves, which are mainly found in the southwest of Spain. What impressed me most from the interview we did beforehand is expressed in the following quote: "The dehesa is the last defence against further desertification".
Aromas del encinar is a small family and artisan project that seeks to share the wonders of our oak forests through products derived from sustainable forest management of the oak forests of the Sierra Oeste Madrileña: essential oils for cosmetic and therapeutic use, natural products for natural medicine and condiments and infusions that will comfort you and transport you to a day in the countryside.
Forestry & the European Green Deal (PP presentation), Michael DOWER, UK, here
Fondacion Monte Mediterraneo (PP presentation), Ernestine Lüdecke, Jonathan Bradley, ES, here
Greek Forests (PP presentation), Lydia Petaloudi, GR, here
The REPORT of the webinar is available here
The ZOOM RECORDING is available here
As always we seek to invite participants from different backgrounds to get involved in a constructive dialogue. This picture illustrates the broad and diverse range of profiles of participants in this webinar. Around 30 participants from 13 different countris were participating and contributing to this webinar.
The broad range of topics tackled demonstrates the inter-and transdisciplinary approach needed to address sustainable forestry, including ecological, economic, social and political aspects.