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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe

Scholarship Programme 2025

The Forum Synergies’ SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME - what it is about

We offer young people the possibility to spend some relevant time in a place of their choice to discover and learn from the experiences and practices of others working and living in and for the ruralGet your hands on!

Learn about suitable tools to realise your own projects or learn about constructive communication and advocacy. Get ready to become active!

We invite you to become involved in our intergenerational community!

GO OUT & experience rural real life
you are:
YOUNG & ambitious
Although we have no strict limit in age we want to support people who are on their way of becoming rural activists, rural practitioners, rural pioneers..
You somehow lead or advocate a rural life.
You are about to finish your studies somehow related to sustainable rural development
To make it concrete: we expect a trainee to have some concrete background – be it practical or scientific – in issues related to the rural
You plan to start your own farm or business related to the rural
You are one steppingstone away from living your vision of a rural life.
You are interested in the work of NGOs or networks shaping the future of rural sustainability.
To make it concrete: we expect a trainee to have some concrete interest to start some own activity in the rural/ to contribute to shape the rural future.
You are interested to join our intergenerational community of pioneering actors for positive change.
You are interested to learn about constructive communication and advocacy.
To make it concrete: we expect a trainee to participate at least in one event or activity carried out by our intergenerational community.

How to get involved

Find more info and application forms here