land access
Success stories:
- AGROECOPOLIS - A young grassroots network for Agroecology, Food Sovereignty & Access to Land in Greece
- [EXP] A participative approach to preserving agricultural activities in the Saclay plateau: the Terre et Cité initiative in the Paris region
- [EXP] Agricultura Nuova, a multifunctional Cooperative Farm integrated in its territory in the periphery of Rome (Italy).
- [EXP] Buschberghof CSA, a multifunctional farm successful for more than 20 years
- [EXP] Buying collectively farmland: how Terre de Liens encourages the access to land and settlement of organic and peasant farmers in France.
- [EXP] Le système AMAP ou comment maintenir une agriculture proche des centres urbains
- [EXP] Open Space on food and local development: a multi-stakeholder meeting initiated by the Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liègeoise (Belgium).
- [EXP] Regionalwert AG: citizen capital for a regional organic food economy
- Conference Report: Community Connected Farms for Tomorrow: New Ways of Land Access for Communities and Farmers
- Ideas for farm transmission
- Local authorities supporting access to land for farmers: stories from Europe
- Mapping of experiences related to Access to land for Community-Connected Farming
- Your land, My land, Our land : grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology
- Access to Land Network
- CATL (Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise)
- Cooperativa Agricoltura Nuova
- Der Buschberghof
- Eco ruralis
- European Coordination VIA CAMPESINA
- Future farmers in the spotlight
- Future Farmers Movement
- GRAIN (Genetic Resources Action INternational)
- Iliosporoi
- AGTER (Imprve the Governance of Land, Water and Natural Resources)
- Kulturland eG
- RWAG (Regionalwert AG)
- Soil Association
- Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation)
- Terre de Liens
- Terre en vue
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay
- Toekomstboeren - Farmers for the future
- TRI (TransRural Initiatives)