RWAG (Regionalwert AG)
Rural topic(s): Access to land, Local food Chains
City: Emmendingen
Country: Germany
Web site: http://www.regionalwert-ag.de
The RWAG was founded in 2006 and conceptualised as a citizen shareholder corporation. The enterprise enables citizens of the region to invest in regional enterprises, mainly in the agricultural sector that fulfill socio-ecological standards. These people support: investment in organic agriculture ; investment in sustainable enterprises with fair social standards ; only regional investment ; only investment in small/medium enterprises and investment in biodiversity and landscape, They are currently setting up a research body to gain and communicate knowledge in the fields of community supported agriculture, regional chain economy and sustainable rural development.
Scale of intervention : Regional, European
Keywords: local farming, land access, collective farmland ownership, civic agriculture, consumer producers partnerships, local food systems, organic farming, food
Places: Germany
Actors: social enterprise, citizen shareholder corporation, citizen, company, producer
Methods: resources mobilization, renting of land, promotion of local economic activity, community-led initiative, investigación acción, partnership
Success stories: