diversification of economic activities
Success stories:
- Hemp: a sustainable alternative for a farm
- Industrial hemp growth.
- Production de chanvre
- Regional food hub for local products in Romania
- The National Forest Company, one of the biggest environmental initiatives creating and managing woodlands in the UK
- [EXP] Balancing nature and coastal protection with sustainable local development Pellworm, a small North Frisian island below sea level.
- [EXP] Coed Cymru, helping Welsh landowners to manage native woodlands sustainably, for environmental and economic gain
- [EXP] Devon Hedge Group, an example of partnership of local bodies to protect and promote Devon’s world class hedges (UK)
- [EXP] Eco - Health Farm Network in Latvia
- [EXP] Gut Wulksfelde, a multifunctional and education farm at the outskirts of Hamburg city
- [EXP] Mas de Noguera : an example for diversification of activities in a Mediterranean mid mountain region
- [EXP] National Forest Company (NFC) – an exemplar of sustainability in all its aspects
- [EXP] Peak District Farm Holidays, a group of farming families providing quality holiday accommodation
- [EXP] PLANED, working with communities to deliver local integrated development in Pembrokeshire
- [EXP] Restoring soils through co-cultivation of trees and cereals
- [EXP] The village of Wulkow global ecological development strategy
- Ökologisch Wirtschaften! e.V.
- Ökospeicher e.V.
- Association of Rural Advisory Centres (SLF)
- Business Incubator-Gotse Delchev - Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre
- CIVITAS Foundation for Civil Society
- Coed Cymru (Welsh Woodlands)
- CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes)
- ANKA (Development Agency of Karditsa)
- Devon Hedge Group
- Gut Wulfsdorf
- Gut Wulksfelde
- CIVAM network (Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas)
- Mas de Noguera
- RELIER (Network of Experimentation and Connection of Initiatives in Rural Areas)
- Obelisk farm
- Peak District Farm Holidays
- PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development)
- Pogany Havas microregion association
- Upmali Farm