Pogany Havas microregion association
Rural topic(s): Local ecological knowledge, Conservation and management of natural resources
City: Csíksomlyó
Country: Romania
Web site: http://www.poganyhavas.ro
The Pogany Havas association is composed of local governments, NGOs and businesses operating in Harghita County.
They encourage tourism in the region by offering a booking and information service, working with guesthouse owners, producing tourist information, and organising a tourism round-table for local entrepreneurs.
They support traditional agriculture and boost farm incomes through training programmes and study tours for farmers, encouraging development of new dairy products, providing information about ecological farming and organic conversion, and helping farmers’ associations to increase the quality of their milk through ownership of milk collection and testing equipment.
They are working with scientists and NGOs to catalogue and conserve the special animal and plant life of the region, especially in its wetlands and hay meadows. They founded the Csik-Gyimes Naturpark, to run nature protection projects and to prepare and promote the area as an eco-tourism destination.
Their Mountain Hay Meadows project aims to help and record the sustainable use of hay meadows and thus to maintain high biodiversity, important ecosystem services and healthy local communities in two adjacent but very distinct landscapes of the Eastern Carpathians. mountainhaymeadows.eu/
Scale of intervention : Regional, European
Keywords: Farmers Ecological Knowledge, rural heritage, cultural heritage, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, family farming, high nature value farming (HNV), protected area, ecosystem friendly methods, biodiversity conservation, Natura 2000, traditional knowledge, empowerment of rural communities, diversification of economic activities, ecotourism, ecosystem services, mountain, integrated rural development, conservation and management of natural resources
Places: Romania
Actors: association
Methods: programme/project management, intermediation and facilitation, investigación acción, support to project, meeting, seminar and conference organisation