RELIER (Network of Experimentation and Connection of Initiatives in Rural Areas)
Rural topic(s): Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Renewable energy and eco-housing, Rural entrepreneurship and diversification of activities, Sustainable forestry
City: Saint Affrique
Country: France
Web site: http://relier.info
RELIER is an « people’s education » national association, whose aim is to create and animate networking and exchange for all the people choosing to live in rural areas.
RELIER is a space of convergence of individuals and collectives sharing common values who lead together research-actions on the themes of creation of economic activities, housing, culture, forest, agro-rural activities etc ..
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: eco-housing, territorial attractivity, diversification of economic activities, cultural heritage, sustainable woodland, innovation, culture of experimentation, collective approach
Places: France
Actors: association, multi-stakeholders, animation and rural development organisation
Methods: experience exchange, participation research, popular education (adult and community education), exchange of good practices