Success stories:
- A global 2000 m² - field in Pankow.
- Bergwaldprojekt, involving volunteers to protect and conserve forests in mountain areas in Germany
- La sylviculture écologique dans la forêt communale de Lübeck, DE
- Nature-oriented forestry in the municipal forest of Lübeck, DE
- [EXP] Balancing nature and coastal protection with sustainable local development Pellworm, a small North Frisian island below sea level.
- [EXP] Buschberghof CSA, a multifunctional farm successful for more than 20 years
- [EXP] German eco-housing work, a guide for others
- [EXP] Gut Wulksfelde, a multifunctional and education farm at the outskirts of Hamburg city
- [EXP] Kulturland eG: a farmers - consumers cooperative
- [EXP] Landcare associations in Germany: civil society involvement in the management of ecologically sensitive areas
- [EXP] Mountain forest forums; dialogue between stakeholders and institutions for the conservation of mountain forests. The example of Bavaria in Germany.
- [EXP] Regionalwert AG: citizen capital for a regional organic food economy
- [EXP] The village of Wulkow global ecological development strategy
- [EXP] Wendland renewable energy strategy
- Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
- Promoting environmental mediation as a tool for public participation and conflict resolution
- Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative
- Report - preparatory meeting of Forum Synergies Sustainable Forestry group - 13 January 2012, St. Michel l’Observatoire, France
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering 2009: Sustainable Europe in Practice
- Study: Liberating the fields - land markets and new forms of ownership in organic farming
- Transitioning Towards Agroecology: Using the CAP to build new food systems
- Ökologisch Wirtschaften! e.V.
- Ökospeicher e.V.
- ► Intangible Search
- ANME (Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.)
- Bergwaldprojekt e.V.
- Der Buschberghof
- EURONATUR stiftung
- German Rural Network - Netzwerk Ländliche Räume
- GNF (Global Nature Fund)
- Gut Wulfsdorf
- Gut Wulksfelde
- Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung / Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
- hofgründer
- Kulturland eG
- Landcare Association Wendland-Elbetal / Landschaftspflegeverband Wendland-Elbetal e. V.
- Naturum Göhrde / Göhrde forest museum
- RWAG (Regionalwert AG)
- Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft (Foundation for future farming)