peasant farming
Success stories:
- [EXP] Buying collectively farmland: how Terre de Liens encourages the access to land and settlement of organic and peasant farmers in France.
- [EXP] The Jaglea family farm, seeking sustainability at the crossroad of tradition and innovation in the Carpathian, Romania.
- Consortium of Gallecs Natural Park / Consorci del Parc d’Espai Natural de Gallecs
- Eco ruralis
- European Coordination VIA CAMPESINA
- Fundatia ADEPT
- Future farmers in the spotlight
- Future Farmers Movement
- AGTER (Imprve the Governance of Land, Water and Natural Resources)
- CIVAM network (Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas)
- ICPPC (International Coalition to Protect Polish Countryside)
- Logarska dolina / SOLČAVA DISTRICT
- Magazine « Food Sovereignty., Biodiversity and Cultures » / Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas
- Terre de Liens
- Terre en vue
- Toekomstboeren - Farmers for the future
- TNI (Transnational Institute)
- TRI (TransRural Initiatives)