ICPPC (International Coalition to Protect Polish Countryside)
Rural topic(s): (Agri)-tourism and rural heritage
City: Stryszów
Country: Poland
Web site: http://www.icppc.pl
ICPPC - International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside - is raising public awareness on the importance of the small family farm in creating an ecologically sensitive, long-term solution to the countryside, which avoids the destructive consequences of CAP policies.
ICPPC is non-governmental organization and co-operates with all who want to promote and protect the Polish countryside’s natural and cultural biodiversity.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: agritourism, organic farming, peasant farming, GMOs / Genetically Modified Organisms, CAP - Common Agricultural Policy, food policy, agricultural policy, family farming
Places: Poland
Actors: association
Methods: campaigning, raising awareness