Consortium of Gallecs Natural Park / Consorci del Parc d’Espai Natural de Gallecs
Rural topic(s): Access to land
City: Gallecs
Country: Spain
Web site: http://www.espairuralgallecs.cat/
Gallecs is a rural area of 733 hectares, situated fifteen kilometres north of Barcelona. It preserves its natural and landscape values in a highly anthropised environment. The main activity of the territory is agriculture, conversion to organic farming is in progress. It is also a cultural and leisure space for the neighbouring populations and the lungs of Barcelona Metropolitan Region. It is in the middle of an intensely urbanised environment of more than 150,000 inhabitants.
In this context, the model of agricultural in Gallecs is based on a more sustainable management of the territory, both environmental and economic, with the objective of creating synergies with the surrounding lands, and making compatible the development of cultural and leisure activities with agrarian activity.
The Consorcium of Gallecs Natural Park was created in 2006, and aims at managing the space and guaranteeing its agricultural and forestry activities, the conservation of the landscape and its use as a leisure space for citizenship.
Integrated in the network of Natural Parks of Catalonia, it is the only Park whose main purpose is the maintenance of agricultural activity.
Scale of intervention : Regional
Keywords: organic farming, Biodiversity, peasant farming, agroecology
Places: Spain
Actors: natural parc (national, regional, biosphere)
Methods: programme/project management