Success stories:
- “Hands on the Lands for Food Sovereignty”
- Black Sea Initiative
- [MoI] « Create a Climate for Peace », a programme supporting activists in taking action for sustainable living and climate justice
- [MoI]« Créer un climat pour la paix », un programme de soutien aux militants pour une vie durable et une justice climatique
- Éco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie
- ► FAO - Family Farming Knowledge Platform
- GIAHS (► Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems)
- ► Intangible Cultural Heritage - UNESCO
- ► Participedia
- ► Regenesis- Institute for regenerative practice
- ►BuonAbitare
- Alternative community « Peliti »
- Anthropolinks
- Camera arbitrale nazionale e internazionale di Milano
- CETRAD (Centre For Transdiciplinary Development Studies (Univ. Tras-os-Montes))
- Etnoecology Laboratory - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
- European Coordination VIA CAMPESINA
- FDDM (Foundation for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions)
- GRAIN (Genetic Resources Action INternational)
- GNF (Global Nature Fund)
- GEYSER (Groupe d’études et de services pour l’économie des ressources)
- AGTER (Imprve the Governance of Land, Water and Natural Resources)
- ICCA Consortium (Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas)
- IMFN (International Model Forest Network)
- IPES Food (International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems)
- La Cosecha
- LVF (Lake Võrtsjärv Foundation)
- LINKS (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems)
- CIMAS (Observatorio Internacional de Ciudadanía y Medioambiente Sostenible)
- Slow Food
- SFYN (Slow Food Youth Network)
- TNI (Transnational Institute)
- URGENCI (Urban - Rural Network: Generating new forms of Exchange between CItizens)