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Forum Synergie

Linking sustainable practices throughout Europe


Rural topic(s): Civic dialogue, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue, Services in rural areas


Country: Italy

Web site: http://www.buonabitare.com

BuonAbitare - persone - luoghi -relazioni - is a project concerning the quality of living. It aims to promote well-being in and of the places that people inhabit, because they live or work there. Both when they have chosen themselves and form intentional communities and, above all, when they have not chosen themselves and have (or think they have) little in common beyond the shared physical space.

We aim to promote and support a different way of conceiving and concretising living and to foster neighbourhood practices based on the attention and care of relationships and the revitalisation of community spirit.

This cannot be achieved without the involvement and commitment of the people who live there, but also the contribution of specific professional skills. For this reason, the project is structured in such a way as to encourage the integration of civic commitment and professional action and is based on a social promotion association and a network of professionals.

Scale of intervention : International, Regional, National

Keywords: participation by inhabitants

Places: Italy

Actors: citizen, inhabitants, social actor