Camera arbitrale nazionale e internazionale di Milano
Rural topic(s): Civic dialogue, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue
City: Milan
Country: Italy
Web site: http://www.mediazioneambiente.it
The Milan Chamber of Arbitration (CAM) is a special agency of the Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi, specialized in commercial dispute resolution. CAM provides an array of services and tools known as ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), which allow for a time effective resolution of disputes through extra-judicial methods.
Environmental mediation is the ADR tool to resolve environmental disputes.
Given the effectiveness and success experienced over the years and given the peculiar needs of environmental conflicts they thought of expanding the mediation’s field of action.
Therefore, in December 2015 they started the experimental phase of the environmental mediation project (www.mediazioneambiente.it). Then, due to its success and its growth, this service has been established permanently within CAM.
Scale of intervention : Local, Regional, National, European, International
Keywords: environmental mediation, environmental conflict, protection of the environment, territorial dialogue
Places: Italy
Actors: non-departmental public body
Methods: mediation, partnership