CETRAD (Centre For Transdiciplinary Development Studies (Univ. Tras-os-Montes))
Rural topic(s): Education and training in rural areas
City: Vila Real
Country: Portugal
Web site: https://cetrad.utad.pt/
CETRAD is a development-focused research centre, based in the social sciences, that forms an integral part of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in Portugal.
The core objectives of CETRAD are:
to encourage the inter- and multi-disciplinary construction of coherent and innovative research methodologies, capable of contributing to the solution of key problems of socio-economic and cultural development, in organisations of all kinds, and in local, regional, national, trans-border and international contexts;
to promote advanced-level academic training in development studies,
to place the knowledge, creativity and skills generated by its projects at the disposal of the wider community; and
to promote stakeholder participation throughout the project cycle.
Its topics are:
Agri-food systems, forest and sustainability in rural areas
Knowledge, entrepreneurship & competitiveness
Economic dynamics & socio-territorial cohesion
Tourism & Development
Demonstrate and capture the value of goods with & without market
Risk society, inclusion and social policies
Scale of intervention : Local, Regional, National, European, International
Keywords: sustainable tourism, local food systems, integrated rural development, sustainable woodland, rural entrepreneurship
Places: Portugal
Actors: research institute/center
Methods: investigación acción, participation research, case study