Success stories:
- Examples of Continous Cover Forestry practise in Estonia, EE
- HNV Link: High Nature Value Farming: Learning Innovation and Knowledge, Bulgaria
- The Redon Sustainable Food Consortium
- [EXP] A participative approach to preserving agricultural activities in the Saclay plateau: the Terre et Cité initiative in the Paris region
- [EXP] Mountain forest forums; dialogue between stakeholders and institutions for the conservation of mountain forests. The example of Bavaria in Germany.
- [EXP] Network of Forestry alternatives, bringing together different actors in the favour of ecosystem-friendly forest management in France.
- [EXP] Open Space on food and local development: a multi-stakeholder meeting initiated by the Ceinture Aliment-Terre Liègeoise (Belgium).
- [EXP] Promoting actions and policies to attract and maintain new population in rural areas: the experience of Collectif Ville-Campagne in France.
- [EXP] Testing structures for rural entrepreneurs in Limousin region
- [EXP] Wendland renewable energy strategy
- Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering - ERSG 2014: Living countryside in Beaufortain (FR)
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering 2009: Sustainable Europe in Practice
- Report on European Rural Sustainable Gathering 2010 - A glimpse to the future of rural Europe
- Your land, My land, Our land : grassroots strategies to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology
- ADRACES (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Raia Centro - Sul)
- CATL (Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise)
- ELF (Estonian Fund for Nature)
- EFNCP (European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism)
- AFAF (French Agroforestry Association)
- Institut de la concertation
- IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)
- RENETA (National Network of Test-farming Areas)
- RAF (Network for forestry alternatives)
- RELIER (Network of Experimentation and Connection of Initiatives in Rural Areas)
- PAN Europe (Pesticide Action Network)
- Terre et Cité - Pays de Saclay
- TRI (TransRural Initiatives)