Institut de la concertation
Rural topic(s): Civic dialogue, Civic engagement, local governance and dialogue
City: Paris
Country: France
Web site: http://institutdelaconcertation.org/
The Institute of Concertation and Citizen Participation is a national network of consultation practitioners. It is a space for debate and reflection open to all those who, in the frame of their professional activity, as a militant or elected person, raise the question of improving and disseminating practices of consultation and participation.
It brings together consultants, territorial agents, community leaders, researchers, etc. Their fields are those of planning, city policies, transport, environment, local development, energy, health, conflicts of use and all the issues related to the shared management of space and resources.
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: concertation, environmental mediation, territorial dialogue, civil society dialogue, participatory democracy, citizen participation, consultation process, participatory approach
Places: France
Actors: practionners / managers, consultant/expert, social actor, multi-stakeholders, local authority, researcher/academic, network, platform, forum, association
Methods: promotion of civil society dialogue, mediation, intermediation and facilitation, exchange of good practices, experience exchange, research, raising awareness, information diffusion, training workshop