[EXP] Network of Forestry alternatives, bringing together different actors in the favour of ecosystem-friendly forest management in France.
Rural topic(s): Sustainable forestry
Type: Success story
Date of writing: June 4, 2016
Author(s) of this page: Anne Berthet
Organization(s): RAF (Network for forestry alternatives)

The Network for Forest Alternatives (RAF) was created in 2008 to bring together people trying to develop more intelligent and ecosystem-friendly methods of forest management as an alternative to the increasingly production-oriented short term methods (clear cuts, monocultures etc.).
Description of activities
Values: a charter sets out all our values: respect the living ecosystem, dialog and responsibility, lightweight timber harvesting techniques, forest management closer to nature, local circuits, wood processing
Aims: it supports development and promotes the emergence of new projects:
* Pooling and transmitting knowledge and experiences through collective action;
* Facilitating dialogue between professionals and other forest partners through a transparent debate taking into consideration the diversity of views and knowledge.
Activities: we organize: annual meetings about forestry alternatives/ visits to forestry alternatives/ logging operations/ trainings on nature-centric forest management principles/ evening debates on forest management and wood harvesting.
Challenges. That forestry alternatives become more and more known and recognized. To raise awareness among civil society and professionals that forests are currently managed as an industry and a mine production rather than a living and complex ecosystem.
Next steps. To edit a book in order to help people who want to buy, manage and work in forests in the spirit of the RAF charter.
Information gathered at: Presentation given during the Market of initiatives during the 1st workshop on Sustainable Forest Management (17-20 March 2016)
Anne Berthet
E-mail: anne(a)alternativesforestieres.org
Website: www.alternativesforestieres.org/
Scale of intervention : National
Keywords: sustainable woodland, local supply chain, wood processing, wood harvesting, logging, ecosystem friendly methods, collective approach
Places: France
Actors: inhabitants, forest owner, citizen, stakeholders, multi-stakeholders
Methods: intermediation and facilitation, training/capacity-building, raising awareness, field trip, debate, charter, training workshop, workshop, experience exchange, exchange of good practices