Success stories:
- The National Forest Company, one of the biggest environmental initiatives creating and managing woodlands in the UK
- [EXP] Conserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Foula, Shetland’s most remote island
- [EXP] Eco - Health Farm Network in Latvia
- [EXP] Estonian village Metsanurme builds broad base of activities to support local lives
- [EXP] National Forest Company (NFC) – an exemplar of sustainability in all its aspects
- [EXP] Peak District Farm Holidays, a group of farming families providing quality holiday accommodation
- [EXP] Peatland Restoration at Shapwick Heath on the Somerset Levels in South West England
- [EXP] Raising public awareness on the Bourgas Wetlands, in Bulgary
- [EXP] Support to the Craft Masters of the Estonian Rural Areas
- Agriturismo Fighezia
- AER (Association of Ecotourism in Romania)
- BALKANIA (Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism)
- CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes)
- MEM (Ecological Movement of Moldova)
- Foula Heritage
- Logarska dolina / SOLČAVA DISTRICT
- Masticulture
- NFC (National Forest Company)
- Naturum Göhrde / Göhrde forest museum
- Pogany Havas microregion association
- EPO (Society for the protection of nature and ecodevelopment)
- Upmali Farm