farm succession
Success stories:
- [EXP] Buying collectively farmland: how Terre de Liens encourages the access to land and settlement of organic and peasant farmers in France.
- [EXP] Testing structures for rural entrepreneurs in Limousin region
- [EXP] Viva sol Lithuania, an association of cheese eaters and producers that encourages the settlement of small farmers and artisans in rural Lithuania.
- [EXP] Viva sol, une association de producteurs fromagers et de consommateurs urbain pourun soutien à l’agriculture artisanale et à l’installation en milieu rural.
- European Farm Succession: tools and methods to promote a successful farm succession
- Ideas for farm transmission
- Access to Land Network
- Association VIVA SOL
- InterAfocg (Associations for Collective Training on Management)
- Future farmers in the spotlight
- Future Farmers Movement
- hofgründer
- CIVAM network (Innovative Centres for the Valorisation of Farming and Rural areas)
- Land & Co
- mOntanyanes
- RENETA (National Network of Test-farming Areas)
- NEL (Netzwerk Existenzgründung in der Landwirtschaft)
- Soil Association
- Terre de Liens
- Terre en vue
- Toekomstboeren - Farmers for the future