Success stories:
- ► Grassland with tradition: surveying traditionally managed ecosystems in the Carpathians
- Landscape Park Forest Knyszyńska
- [EXP] Cooperation and urban-rural solutions in Dolina Strugu polish region
- [EXP] Mediation to manage a local dispute around the landfill site at Góra Kalwaria near Warsaw in Poland.
- ► Rural Livelihoods for Sustainability
- Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
- Reinventing Europe through Local Initiative
- Report on Civic Dialogue Gathering 2016, Bialystok (Poland)
- Report on Workshop 2 “Sustainable Development in Lake Areas: Empowering Local Initiatives and Civil Society” - Lake Milicz Ponds (Poland)
- Transitioning Towards Agroecology: Using the CAP to build new food systems
- Biebrza National Park / Biebrzański Park Narodowy
- ZIARNO (Ecological-Cultural Association / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno – Kulturalne)
- ETNA (Environmental Association « Etna » / Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczne Etna /)
- EPA (Environmental Partnership Association)
- ICPPC (International Coalition to Protect Polish Countryside)
- LAG Puszcza Knyszynska
- Poland National Rural Network - Krajowa Sieć Obszarów Wiejskich
- FAOW (Polish Rural Forum - Forum Aktywizacji Obszarów Wiejskich)
- Dolina Strugu (Regionalne Towarzystwo Rolno-Przemysłowe « Dolina Strugu »)
- FWW (Rural Development Foundation / Fundacja Wspomagania Wsi)