Landscape Park Forest Knyszyńska
Rural topic(s): Places to be (work in progress)
Type: Narrative story
Date of writing: November 4, 2019
Established in 1988, the Park’s area is 745 km², 85 % of which are forests and wooded complexes. The whole surface is under Natura 2000 both birds and habitats as 200 species of birds are nesting there. In contrast to national parks or nature reserves, agriculture, timber production and other land uses within the boundaries of the landscape park have economic significance, but are subject to regulations.
The House of the park is a good start to discover the park’s characteristics before having a walk in the forest.
Where: House of the Park, Suprasl, Poland
Who: Knyszyńska Forest Landscape Park
Scale of intervention : Regional
Keywords: woodland management, sustainable woodland
Places: Poland