Success story
Success stories:
- Bergwaldprojekt, involving volunteers to protect and conserve forests in mountain areas in Germany
- Cloughjordan Community Farm:
- La sylviculture écologique dans la forêt communale de Lübeck, DE
- Les Petits Producteurs – a successful food co-operative in Liege area
- Nature-oriented forestry in the municipal forest of Lübeck, DE
- Peliti Seed Festival
- Rural community development in Shirak region, Armenia.
- [EXP] « The insect clearing » : a haven of « ordinary » biodiversity in SW France
- [EXP] A participative approach to preserving agricultural activities in the Saclay plateau: the Terre et Cité initiative in the Paris region
- [EXP] Advocating for the reincorporation of trees and the ecological services of forests into modern agricultural practices.
- [EXP] Agricultura Nuova, a multifunctional Cooperative Farm integrated in its territory in the periphery of Rome (Italy).
- [EXP] AMAP, un exemple de Soutien à l’agriculture de proximité en France
- [EXP] Ancient fruit varieties turned economic tonic in French Pyrenees, promoted by RENOVA.
- [EXP] Ardelaine: a cooperative project based on wool-processing becomes a driving force for local development.
- [EXP] Balancing nature and coastal protection with sustainable local development Pellworm, a small North Frisian island below sea level.
- [EXP] Buschberghof CSA, a multifunctional farm successful for more than 20 years
- [EXP] Buying collectively farmland: how Terre de Liens encourages the access to land and settlement of organic and peasant farmers in France.
- [EXP] Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT), Europe’s leading Eco-Centre
- [EXP] Coed Cymru, helping Welsh landowners to manage native woodlands sustainably, for environmental and economic gain
- [EXP] Community supported Agriculture and Organic box schemes helping local French farmers and consumers
- [EXP] Conserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Foula, Shetland’s most remote island
- [EXP] Cooperation and urban-rural solutions in Dolina Strugu polish region
- [EXP] Devon Hedge Group, an example of partnership of local bodies to protect and promote Devon’s world class hedges (UK)
- [EXP] Eco - Health Farm Network in Latvia
- [EXP] Ecosystem of collaboration of Karditsa : developing social economy in rural Greece
- [EXP] Enhancement of a rural mountainous area heritage by Paysalp association.
- [EXP] Estonian Rural Parliament offers rural democracy lessons for EU partners
- [EXP] Estonian village Metsanurme builds broad base of activities to support local lives
- [EXP] German eco-housing work, a guide for others
- [EXP] Gut Wulksfelde, a multifunctional and education farm at the outskirts of Hamburg city
- [EXP] How to implement rural sustainable development in rural areas : the example of trainings and exchange of practices in local territories by Permanent Centres of Initiatives for the Environment (CPIE).
- [EXP] Kulturland eG: a farmers - consumers cooperative
- [EXP] Landcare associations in Germany: civil society involvement in the management of ecologically sensitive areas
- [EXP] Local rural development committees in Wallonia (Belgium): a local space for consultation and forming proposals, integrating inhabitants and elected officials.
- [EXP] Mas de Noguera : an example for diversification of activities in a Mediterranean mid mountain region
- [EXP] Master project: a research-action platform on mobility, welcoming new inhabitants and sustainable rural development in France. (The Ville Campagne collective)
- [EXP] Mediation to manage a local dispute around the landfill site at Góra Kalwaria near Warsaw in Poland.
- [EXP] Mixed-cultivation benefits build over years
- [EXP] Mountain forest forums; dialogue between stakeholders and institutions for the conservation of mountain forests. The example of Bavaria in Germany.
- [EXP] National Forest Company (NFC) – an exemplar of sustainability in all its aspects
- [EXP] Network of Forestry alternatives, bringing together different actors in the favour of ecosystem-friendly forest management in France.
- [EXP] Oxfordshire Woodfuel Programmes “Logs for Labour”, an exchange between volunteers and woodland managers in UK
- [EXP] Peak District Farm Holidays, a group of farming families providing quality holiday accommodation
- [EXP] Peatland Restoration at Shapwick Heath on the Somerset Levels in South West England
- [EXP] PLANED, working with communities to deliver local integrated development in Pembrokeshire
- [EXP] Promoting actions and policies to attract and maintain new population in rural areas: the experience of Collectif Ville-Campagne in France.
- [EXP] Raising public awareness on the Bourgas Wetlands, in Bulgary
- [EXP] Regionalwert AG: citizen capital for a regional organic food economy
- [EXP] Restoring soils through co-cultivation of trees and cereals
- [EXP] Small woodland keepers in the UK
- [EXP] Supporting the associations of Private Forest Owners in South East Europe
- [EXP] Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms, an example of biodynamic farm businesses owned by 600 local shareholders.(East Sussex, UK)
- [EXP] TEH -Traditional European Medicine, a local network promoting traditional medicinal knowledge
- [EXP] The Agricultural and Rural Convention (ARC 2020): a platform of European organisations working together to develop the Common Agricultural Policy.
- [EXP] The Jaglea family farm, seeking sustainability at the crossroad of tradition and innovation in the Carpathian, Romania.
- [EXP] The Mourne Homesteads Project - Mourne Heritage Trust brings back to life traditional buildings in Northern Ireland
- [EXP] The participatory budget of Odemira in Portugal: an example of inhabitants managing part of the public budget.
- [EXP] The Sacca di Goro lagoon in Italy: involving a citizens’ panel in a consultation on sustainable water management (the Aware project).
- [EXP] The village of Wulkow global ecological development strategy
- [EXP] Village and homestead caretaker: community based services in tiny villages and remote rural areas, Hungary
- [EXP] Village movement in Estonia : focusing on local governance to maintain rural villages alive
- [EXP] Viva sol Lithuania, an association of cheese eaters and producers that encourages the settlement of small farmers and artisans in rural Lithuania.
- [EXP] Viva sol, une association de producteurs fromagers et de consommateurs urbain pourun soutien à l’agriculture artisanale et à l’installation en milieu rural.
- [EXP] Wendland renewable energy strategy