Success stories:
- AGROECOPOLIS - A young grassroots network for Agroecology, Food Sovereignty & Access to Land in Greece
- Bergwaldprojekt, involving volunteers to protect and conserve forests in mountain areas in Germany
- Butterfly Conservation Research on Continous Cover Forestry (CCF) and Biodiversity, UK
- EU renewable energy policy and the pressure this is putting on forests
- Examples of Continous Cover Forestry practise in Estonia, EE
- HNV Link: High Nature Value Farming: Learning Innovation and Knowledge, Bulgaria
- Industrial hemp growth.
- Natura 2000 communication between stakeholders and share of close-to-nature forest management experiences in Hungary
- Production de chanvre
- Regional food hub for local products in Romania
- Rural community development in Shirak region, Armenia.
- Toi l’arbre, a foundation to enhance the well-being of trees and landscapes in France.
- [EXP] Balancing nature and coastal protection with sustainable local development Pellworm, a small North Frisian island below sea level.
- [EXP] Conserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of Foula, Shetland’s most remote island
- [EXP] Cooperation and urban-rural solutions in Dolina Strugu polish region
- [EXP] Devon Hedge Group, an example of partnership of local bodies to protect and promote Devon’s world class hedges (UK)
- [EXP] Macroregional Alpine strategy: an example of an institutional initiative involving States, Regions and organisations (CIPRA International)
- [EXP] Supporting the associations of Private Forest Owners in South East Europe
- [MoI] « Create a Climate for Peace », a programme supporting activists in taking action for sustainable living and climate justice
- [MoI] Forest conservation and executing national law with regard to biodiversity
- [MoI]« Créer un climat pour la paix », un programme de soutien aux militants pour une vie durable et une justice climatique
- ► A question of SCALE (Supply Chains and Local Economies)
- ► Rural Livelihoods for Sustainability
- Report on 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Forest Management 2016, Tara National Park, (SRB)
- Ökologisch Wirtschaften! e.V.
- “Women for Development” NGO
- ► FAO - Family Farming Knowledge Platform
- ARC 2020 (Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020)
- ANME (Association for Natural Medicine in Europe e.V.)
- Association Rural Development for Future Georgia
- BALKANIA (Balkan Association for Alternative Tourism)
- Butterfly Conservation
- Civitas Georgica
- CMSC (Community Safety and Mediation Center)
- CNVP (Connecting Natural Values and People Foundation)
- Cultivate
- Devon Hedge Group
- EKOTREND Slovakia
- ELF (Estonian Fund for Nature)
- FERN (Forests and the European Union Resource Network)
- Foula Heritage
- GRAIN (Genetic Resources Action INternational)
- INCVP (Institute for Nature Conservation of Voivodina Province)
- Mission of People of Good Will
- PAN Europe (Pesticide Action Network)
- REFORD (Regional Centre for Forestry and Rural Development)
- Dolina Strugu (Regionalne Towarzystwo Rolno-Przemysłowe « Dolina Strugu »)
- RYE (Rural Youth Europe)
- WWF Hungary